Diversified Intelligence - Your Facility Forecaster
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The facilities’ budgeting process has become a lot easier since I started using Facility AuditMate. It basically does your budget for you by providing actual objective data and projectable budgets that can be shared with the financial team. Now everyone is on the same page so we can make better decisions.

Brian J. Moore
Internal Services Program Manager
South Dakota DOT, Pierre, SD

Specialized Audits

Specialized Audits are specific audits that include infrastructure, utility systems, furniture, equipment, bar-coding, and due-diligence surveys.

These are customized audits for clients who require detailed and definitive information about specific systems or building components. The lifecycle audit methodology can be applied effectively to underground and other hidden systems and components such as utility networks. Utility and infrastructure systems have been estimated to account for 25% or more of the value of a physical plant. Not adequately representing them in your reinvestment forecasts may result in a significant budget shortfall.

Other component audits may includeportable furniture, office partitions, commercial kitchen equipment, and fleet vehicles. Our capabilities also include bar-code tagging of equipment and populating PM programs.

We also perform due-diligence surveys to model future reinvestment needs for organizations that are in negotiations to acquire new properties.

 In every case, the Diversified Intelligence team applies a targeted and objective data-driven analysis, enabling you to accurately assess the condition of individual systems and plan for their renewal.